In the United States alone, depression affects over 16.1 million people and accounts for over 6% of the population. Worldwide, that statistic shoots to over 268 million. Although Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) doesn’t have the word “depression” in it, it is a type of depression.
While Color Therapy Glasses are not a cure for any form of depression, they can help ease some of the side effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
People with SAD do not suffer from this disorder year round but rather seasonally. Most people experiencing SAD fall into a depressive state in the late months of fall and early months of winter. Winter brings colder temperatures and decreasing sunlight due to the Earth’s tilt and orbit around the sun causing SAD to occur predominately during this timeframe.
Although patients are usually only diagnosed with SAD after at least 3 continuous years of seasonal depression, generally, individuals can evaluate themselves without a certified diagnosis. Some of the most common symptoms of SAD are the following:
- Lacking Energy
- Overeating or Craving Carbohydrates
- Oversleeping
Even though these are the most common symptoms, it’s important to note that everyone experiences depression differently. Always consult a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of depression.
So, how do color therapy glasses help with SAD? The short answer: different color glasses help with different emotions. Say you are feeling lethargic and are having trouble getting out of bed; maybe aqua colored glasses aren’t right for you and red glasses are a better choice. Aqua glasses promote feelings of relaxation and calmness, while red promotes feelings of power and self-confidence.
Not sure what color will help counteract your symptoms? Here is a handy guide to walk you through more SAD symptoms and their corresponding colors.
1. Feelings of Anxiousness
Feeling stressed is normal. It can even help to make sure we are meeting deadlines and completing responsibilities expected of us. However, people struggling with SAD can have intense anxiety linked with their depression that, in some cases, can be crippling.

The best colors to combat feelings of stress, paranoia, and anxiousness are green, indigo, aqua, magenta, and Baker-Miller Pink (rose). These colors are great for promoting relaxation and calmness when things seem overwhelming.
2. Apathy Toward Activities You Generally Enjoy
Sometimes that passion we have for creating things gets swept under the rug because of SAD. It can be hard to motivate yourself to do anything, fully knowing that doing these things might make you feel better.

If this sounds like something you struggle with, violet, indigo, and yellow glasses are the right fit for you. These colors promote feelings of creativity and inspiration!
3. Lacking Energy/Oversleeping
People who get depressed in winter commonly feel like no matter how much sleep they get, they are still tired all day. It’s the feeling of dragging your feet throughout the day (metaphorically and literally) until you can go back to bed. This cycle can be exhausting.

If this sounds like you, red color therapy glasses could have a positive impact on you. This color promotes power and vitality and is even theorized to produce feelings of warmth and excitement. Nothing like red to power you through the day!
4. Low Self-esteem
SAD can feel like it is beating you down, and because of this, you can sometimes feel your confidence dwindling. Once your self-confidence goes, it’s hard to get it back, and it can affect your outlook on everything else in your life.
To help with this, try the colors red, orange, and yellow. These all promote confidence!
5. Overeating
With depression, whether you are overeating or under-eating is just dependent on each individual. In the case of SAD, however, it is substantially more common to find overeating.
If you find yourself gaining weight, feeling sluggish, or feeling unhealthy because of overeating, Baker-Miller Pink or rose color glasses are the best for you. Baker-Miller Pink is a color coined and found by Alexander Schauss, and the name comes from the two military officers, Baker and Miller, who began the study. This pink acts as an appetite suppressant and promotes feelings of relaxation.
6. Overall Unhappiness
Although seasonal depression and sadness aren’t the same things, is it rare to have a case of SAD that doesn’t also include – you guessed it – sadness.
If you are struggling to find a means to feeling happy, yellow, orange, and magenta are the colors for you. Both yellow and orange promote cheerfulness and confidence, while magenta makes you feel an overall emotional balance.
7. Self-Isolation
People with SAD tend to become homebodies. Leaving their home, let alone their bed, becomes a chore rather than just a part of their day. When staying in, it’s easy to stop contact with the people you love and the people who love you. Being social can be tough.
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If you are looking for ways to get yourself back into a social mood and a social environment, try blue or orange. Blue’s benefits are specified toward feelings of improved communication and confidence in speaking, while orange boosts your general confidence and makes you feel more sociable and ready to communicate!
8. Difficulty Concentrating
Lastly, difficulty concentrating is one of the biggest side effects of SAD. Something about the sun being dimmer and the weather being colder messes with the brain.
The best color to improve focus is yellow. Along with feelings of happiness, yellow also promotes mental clarity.
Looking for an easier way to find what color glasses are for you? See the handy video below! Which ones do you want to try out?
Seasonal Affective Disorder affects so many people worldwide that we at GloFX are working hard to help in the ways we can. Color therapy, however, isn’t always the best way to go, especially if your symptoms are severe. Click THIS LINK to visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). There you can enter your address, city, or zip code to find treatment facilities and counseling near you. Or you can call them directly at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). If you need help now, don’t wait!
Color therapy isn’t for everyone, but it may be for you. Please remember to always consult a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms of depression.
What do you think? Are there any colors you think we’re missing? Let us know!
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