Top Rave Outfits for New Year’s Eve!

NYE Rave Outfit Trends

The most lit holiday of the season is upon us! New Year’s Eve! We at GloFX know how important it is to go out with a bang. Just like we did earlier this holiday season, we have comprised some of the year’s best festival fashions to inspire your New Year’s Eve look.

Should you use one, two, or all of these killer styles, you are sure to be a showstopper no matter where you are headed for New Year’s Eve.


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The air is cold and the venue is outside. What are you going to do? First, cover your face. No matter how obsessed with EDM you are, no one likes chapped lips, and no one wants to catch a cold. We have seen an increase in the usage of a balaclava, or ski-masks in the EDM community. This year we anticipate the usage of face covers as yet another way to express your style in the cold climate of a New Year’s Eve Festival.



Since the temperature will certainly be low, a good amount of fabric will be required for attendees to stay warm. This gives way to long trench style jackets with metallic accents that add to the essence of New Year’s Eve and EDM style. Also, metallic capes will be shown a lot this year in the colder climates. This is a way to keep warm, but stay in tune with the EDM aesthetic.


New Year’s Eve has always been the night for dressing up in what we consider futuristic styles. Mix that with EDM and you have a whole new kind of Futurism. This New Year’s Eve expect to see Mad Max-inspired EDM wear with splashes of color and more metallics.

A really great guide for fine tuning your futuristic look tuned to your personality is our “Top 4 DIY Rave Outfit Tips for EDM Festivals”This year brought on a lot of unexpected changes, so our idea of what the future looks like is very different. This will be reflected in the EDM community this New Year’s Eve, we can almost guarantee it.


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With the world in Star Wars fever, and returning to escapism for entertainment, our styles have reflected that. The fashion of the Jedi is that of utility, however, it has become a style in its own right. One example of the Jedi style seeping into the mainstream is Kanye West’s “Yeezy” collection. EDM style usually lies on the fringe, however, this time around we are the ones that are the mainstream. These two sentiments being the case, they find each other this New Years at your festival of choice. You will definitely be questioning if a few people actually wandered off the set of the latest Star Wars film set.

Bundle Up

If your festival is in an extremely cold place like Colorado, it might be a little difficult for you to get creative with your style choices. Never fear. Grabbing a faux fur coat, and putting that over some jeans is an equally dope look. These festival-goers have decided that it is way better to be warm than colorful and cold, and it is definitely working for them. Dark colors, however, make a great backdrop for neon luminescent glasses that you can get here, by yours truly. 

Colors: The Ultimate Festival Staple

Colors are what festivals are made of. Colorful people, colorful music and of course, colorful clothing. Nothing is too vibrant or bright to wear to a festival. This New Year’s Eve is no exception. Multiple colored outfits will be one of the things you see at this year’s New Year’s Eve festivals. The intensity will be higher than usual since we’re ringing in 2018. One must prepare accordingly.

Which New Year’s Eve show are you going to? More importantly, what are you wearing? Don’t forget to tag @GloFX and let us know what you’re up to. You might end up on our Instagram, Facebook or a blog post! #GloHard 🤘

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