LED Gloves Troubleshooting
Check out our troubleshooting tips below or head over to our LED Flow Arts Learning Center Gloving section for more information, tutorial videos, and tips.

Basic Glove Sets
I received my gloves. How do I turn them on?
Our basic or beginner glove sets will have a small switch on one side of each microlight to turn them on and off. Pull the switch away from the LED bulb to turn on.
One of my lights isn’t lighting up. Can you help?
Give the middle of the microlight a squeeze to tighten the connection between the light and the battery. If the light turns on when you squeeze but does not remain engaged, contact Support@glofxstaging.wpengine.com for a quick fix! If the light does not emit when you squeeze, this will mean the batteries are tired in this light.

LUX Glove Sets
Includes Lux 2.0 & Gel Gloves
My microlights are dull, what’s going on?
Try changing out the batteries with some nice fresh ones and perform a master reset to get back to the brightest light settings. To perform a master reset > While light is off > Hold the button for 6 seconds, release on red > This will reset your Lux light
What kind of batteries to the LUX lights take?
Our LUX microchips in both our gloves and orbits will take 2-CR1616 batteries per light.
How do I program my microlights?
Follow the instruction below or on the mode chart that you received with your gloves:
1. While light is OFF, hold down the button for 1 second or until the light turns WHITE.
2. You are now in the beginning of your 35 color palette which begins with a BLANK
3. Click through the colors until you see one you would like. Hold the button down to select that color. Once the color is selected, you are now bank at color #1.
4. Repeat this step for all 3 slots then your color set will be ready to go!
Can I get some plain replacement gloves?
Absolutely! CLICK HERE to see your options of colors and sizes.
I’m a visual learner, got any videos to help me become a gloving master?
Here at GloFX, we are all about visuals. Check out our LED Flow Art Learning Center just for gloves!

LED Gloves Warranty
What is covered and for how long?
We are proud to offer a Lifetime Limited Warranty on all Lux Series products. This warranty only covers Lux microlights against any defects in the manufacturing process. Check out our Lux Warranty page for more information or contact Support@GloFX.com to help file a claim.
How can I file a claim?
Easy! Contact Support@GloFX.com and please provide your Order ID and a video/image of the issues you are experiencing and our awesome team of people pleasers will help you with the process.